Sunday, July 06, 2008

New Knowledge...

I took the opportunity to fly down to South Texas and visit my parents in their new house, and my sister and family. I had a great time, caught up on oodles of sleep, and ate hordes of delicious food (Mom - you ROCK the cooking game!). While there, I also was able to find out what the sex of our baby. My sister is an ER Trauma Nurse and is friends with the sonographer on staff. Well, he told her that since he was on call that if he was called in, and if I wanted to come in, he would give trying to find out the gender of our baby a shot. We now have a gender. So, for fun, before announcing it to the world, here's a little blogger poll - what do you think the gender of our bean is? No fair, if I've talked to you and have already spilled the news!

Will Baby Ales be a boy or a girl?
Glittery Girl
Bouncing Boy free polls


Kristy said...

Can't wait to find out for sure!

Heather said...

Hmmmmm.... wonder what it could be! lol