Sunday, October 19, 2008

Updates.... Shmupdates....

We're down to the "every two weeks" appointments now. Every.Two.Weeks.I.Get.Weighed.

Ugh! I gained more than I had expected, but with the flight to San Jose and water retention I suppose it wasn't bad. 

I've been looking forward to having a small little baby. There are so many cute little newborn sized clothes. However, this week,  we received a huge shock. I asked the doctor if he had any predictions as to how much the bean would way at his delivery/arrival. Care to guess?

If I deliver two weeks ahead of schedule.... the doctor believes that he'll weigh between 9 and 10 pounds. I guess I just "grow 'em" big. My coworkers like to tease me that he'll walk out of the hospital.

I guess I should be thrilled that the bean is so large. Over the last week or so I've had more strangers and friends "love" on my belly. Everyone says I'm all belly - that's better than the opposite, right?

Till next week.... 

Monday, October 06, 2008

Ode to {Wedding} Joy...

We made it! Our travels were fairly uneventful, the GPS system on our phones worked as best as it could (Sprint isn't an uber popular carrier in Northern California), and the weather was perfect... at least for the wedding.

During our trip, we noticed a few things...
  • In California, coffee is served 24/7... everywhere.  There were coffee places on every corner - in every town! And... they were ALWAYS busy regardless of whether it was 6am, noon, or 11pm.
  • Jack-in-the-Box is to California what Sonic is to Texas. (and dangit, there wasn't a Sonic anywhere to be found!)
  • Wal-marts and Targets are much better in Texas (no offense to anyone in California!)
  • It's cool to own an orchard in California - and decorate it in southwestern style better than any home I've seen in Texas (or Oklahoma, or Arkansas!). 
  • It's cool to own a ranch in California too! It's even cooler if you're a girl.
  • Fish tacos are better in California (no offense to anyone in Texas!)
  • A 2400 square foot house in Texas really is HUGE when compared to homes in California.
  • Water tends to retain in one's legs and ankles during flights from Texas to California and vice versa. Ugh... hugely... absolutely massively. Elephant trunks... 
  • The San Jose airport has free WiFi - despite the "pay as you go" internet connections all over the place. Friends... it pays to read the window clings and posters!
  • 60 degrees in California is completely, 100% different than 60 degrees in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.
  • California would be a great place to live. (no offense to anyone in Texas)
We had an awesome time! Steve was able to catch up with a lot of family members he hadn't seen since his accident (or before) and I was able to meet oodles of awesome family members I had not yet met. It was brilliant to see Nicole and meet her incredible new family. They are so wonderful to her, and love her for the great and wonderful woman she is. We're just tickled that she's happy and has found such an incredibly kind and generous man to build her life with (not that she had to marry him to do it... but you get what I mean). Seriously though... I had so very many people pull me aside and share wonderful - incredible even - things about Matt and his family. As far as my personal experience with them, I found them to be kind, generous and incredibly hospitable!

The wedding itself was beautiful! It rained all day on Friday, and the weather called for more of the same all day Saturday. However, as weathermen often are, the weather predictions were off. It rained for a few hours Saturday morning and that was it. A large dark cloud loomed over the reception for a while, but it brought some welcome shade. Nicole came riding to the wedding (from the side of the house - not to the wedding literally) on a gorgeous horse, and had an entertaining time dismounting. The flower girl was absolutely precious and a pure joy to hear - mind you we were focused on the bride and groom. The wedding decor was simple and elegant, absolutely perfect. The food was tasty, and there was plenty to be had by all. There were even a group of gentlemen available to walk you to your car (or other mode of transportation) so you didn't have to walk on your own in the night's darkness.

I've uploaded the photos I took to a Flickr album so that you're able to access them if you like. They are unedited, so don't expect anything fabulous. :) To view it, click here.

Friday, October 03, 2008

74 Days...

Oh my stars.... 74 days until the bean arrives! Or, at least there's 74 days until the date the my OBGYN has said we'll have the c-section on. WOW... how time has flown right on by. There's still so much to do, but yet... we'd be completely okay if he came tommorrow! The only major thing we have to still purchase is the car seat - everything else we can make do with what we have on had.

My mom is going to come out (THANK YOU!) for the delivery and my father will be joining us a bit later for Christmas. Oh how excited I am to have the Bean here for Christmas! I'm thinking that Santa will need to come visit us this year for holiday photos - our dude won't be making any mall trips this year!

I had a check up today, and by the grace of God I only gained 1 pound. Holy miracle of miracles. However, I failed the one-hour glucose test and did the three-hour one today. That was pure hell. HELL I tell ya! All is well and the baby is right on target as far as his growth. He has been quite active as of late. His favorite times to get his groove on are late afternoon and eeeaaaarrrly morning - like 2 and 3am. I think he's trying to get us onto his feeding schedule already!

We're heading to Chico this weekend for Nickie's wedding and I am so looking forward to meeting a bunch more of Steve's family members! I'm more excited for Nickie to be marrying her beau, and I've been remembering the day I married Steve-o. What a great day it was! It's amazing to me how long we've been married, yet it's been such a short time!