Friday, October 03, 2008

74 Days...

Oh my stars.... 74 days until the bean arrives! Or, at least there's 74 days until the date the my OBGYN has said we'll have the c-section on. WOW... how time has flown right on by. There's still so much to do, but yet... we'd be completely okay if he came tommorrow! The only major thing we have to still purchase is the car seat - everything else we can make do with what we have on had.

My mom is going to come out (THANK YOU!) for the delivery and my father will be joining us a bit later for Christmas. Oh how excited I am to have the Bean here for Christmas! I'm thinking that Santa will need to come visit us this year for holiday photos - our dude won't be making any mall trips this year!

I had a check up today, and by the grace of God I only gained 1 pound. Holy miracle of miracles. However, I failed the one-hour glucose test and did the three-hour one today. That was pure hell. HELL I tell ya! All is well and the baby is right on target as far as his growth. He has been quite active as of late. His favorite times to get his groove on are late afternoon and eeeaaaarrrly morning - like 2 and 3am. I think he's trying to get us onto his feeding schedule already!

We're heading to Chico this weekend for Nickie's wedding and I am so looking forward to meeting a bunch more of Steve's family members! I'm more excited for Nickie to be marrying her beau, and I've been remembering the day I married Steve-o. What a great day it was! It's amazing to me how long we've been married, yet it's been such a short time!

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