Sunday, October 19, 2008

Updates.... Shmupdates....

We're down to the "every two weeks" appointments now. Every.Two.Weeks.I.Get.Weighed.

Ugh! I gained more than I had expected, but with the flight to San Jose and water retention I suppose it wasn't bad. 

I've been looking forward to having a small little baby. There are so many cute little newborn sized clothes. However, this week,  we received a huge shock. I asked the doctor if he had any predictions as to how much the bean would way at his delivery/arrival. Care to guess?

If I deliver two weeks ahead of schedule.... the doctor believes that he'll weigh between 9 and 10 pounds. I guess I just "grow 'em" big. My coworkers like to tease me that he'll walk out of the hospital.

I guess I should be thrilled that the bean is so large. Over the last week or so I've had more strangers and friends "love" on my belly. Everyone says I'm all belly - that's better than the opposite, right?

Till next week.... 


rachel said...'re really getting to the end. That's so nice when poeple say "you're all belly" What more would a super prego lady who already feels bloated and big want to hear? Good luck getting that
10-pounder out! OUCH!!!!!

Helena said...

Oh my. That is big. My sister just had her baby this morning, and I had a dream that she delivered a 16-pound baby. (She was really a bit less than 8 pounds, which is certainly more manageable!)

Thankful Terri said...

Heather that is great.. Your getting so close.. Don't trust the sonogram weight -- they told me my little bundle was going to be 9 lbs or more and she was only 7 lbs 9 oz. I know what you mean about the people touching your belly and loving on it. Its wierd how people feel they can just come up and touch your belly when pregnant.

Leslie said...

I never cared when people would touch my belly with all my boys! you are almost done!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! and then the sleepless nights start!!!!!!! it will be such a busy time for you during the month of December, but what a wonderful gift from god!!! Miss you!! and I am soooo happy for you guys!!!!! I want to see lots of picture of him when he's here!!!!! =)