Saturday, July 05, 2008

Heme Iron IV Transfusions

For anyone who knows me, it's no surprise that with this pregnancy, my anemia has taken on a whole new low level. My doctors have been increasingly worried with where my iron levels/stores are and even with trying different supplements, brands, and types, my iron levels continued to drop.

After meeting with the Hematologist, I had my first prenatal intravenous iron transfusion last Tuesday. Yuck. It is a 4-6 hour process. They started me on a saline drip, added a Benadryl drip, and then when that was done, added the heme-iron bag. My arms still hurt and ache. I haven't felt any changes yet, but the doctor said it would take about two weeks for my iron stores to bulk up. The bruises that I have are INCREDIBLE! When I called Bekki (my RN sister) to ask her about the arm pain and bruising, she told me it was completely normal. I'll go back on the 15th for another treatment. Sitting in the treatment room with the other patients was an incredibly humbling experience.

I walked into the treatment room thinking about all of the things I needed to get accomplished at home, and at work, and other things that I just had pressing on my mind. For those of you who don't know, most hematologists (blood doctors) are also oncologists (lots of blood borne cancers), so the majority of the other patients who are there for treatment are going through chemotherapy. While it's obvious that they are quite exhausted, tired, and sore, they are kind, uncomplaining, and peaceful. The things which were pressing on my mind in the beginning were suddenly so minor when placed in comparison to where each of these other sweet patients lives must surely be. When I left 4 hours later, I had a much greater appreciation for my life and my current health status.

While I really haven't noticed any problems being overwhelmingly tired (anemia side effect), the doctors all said that the transfusion should help with my energy level. My iron stores were really really low, so I probably won't notice it for 10 days, or right before my next transfusion. I honestly can't imagine having more energy. I work 10-12 hours a day, so it's not surprising that I'm tired when I get home. I'm pregnant - aren't all pregnant women tired? It will be very interesting to see how my body reacts!

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