Friday, June 20, 2008

Ultrasound #3!

A few days ago, I had my 12 week appointment. This appointment was for some genetic chromosome testing (standard nowadays - it's nothing unusual so don't freak out), and to do an ultrasound to check for neck fluid and other items.

Everything was fine, or exactly as it should be for our baby bean.

You'll notice the bean jumping around. It had the hiccups something fierce! If you look closely you can see it's jaw moving towards the later of the hiccups - cute!


Angie Moses said...

glad all is going well for you and baby

Melissa said...

Congrats! Now our little ones can be friends! Don't move, k? Let us know if you need anything.

Amy Sorensen said...

Heather, I just peeked in on your blog today after being busy and not blogging as much, and I am SO THRILLED for you!!!! Big congrats!!!!!

~Jamie said...

glad it is all going well! That is so great for you!