Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Note to self (and future brides for generations to come...)

Today's magic word is.... drum roll please... ELOPE. Yes, you read it correctly - ELOPE! Save yourself the time, stress, and money. Save your sanity, your hair, your nails, and mental capabilities by ELOPING. I know that people may get upset because they won't "see" you get married - but really - it's only one day - and seriously everyone will get over it. You'll be fine. You can always hire a photographer to take photos of your elopement - and you'll love it.

Okay, onto better things! Everything is pretty much done - or as done as it is going to get. Yep, I've decided if it isn't done now - it just doesn't need to be done. End of story. There are a few miscellaneous items that will get finished, but they are super simple and minor. So, if they don't get done - I don't care.

Happy thoughts.... in one week, all of the stress will be gone! Actually in only 4 days the stress will be gone and I will be sleeping in peaceful slumber (well, as long as I fall asleep before Steve - rumor is that he snores!). I really am THRILLED to be getting married, and to the fantastically awesome man that Steve is. And, I think all brides go through this stage - so I'm completely normal, right?? :)

Love you all. I really can't wait to spend time with our families. It really will be fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you're right--all brides go through this. But trust me, we went through the "let's elope" phase, too...I just think it hit a bit sooner for us than it has for you :)
I like the flowers, by the way...did you decide to add red to the guys'? I'm sure it will all look beautiful.
And kudos for getting the house cleaned out. I'm still working on this two years later for us. Luckily the ARC has a donation truck that comes out once or twice a month and it's easy to go through and bag stuff up to donate and throw it to the curb when they come through--just an FYI for future reference if you start feeling cramped! I've never been an uber-clean persson, but I am sooo good with organizing and manipulating clutter!! Ask me about my obsession with containers sometime and I'll list off a few ideas I came up with to help me keep things more orderly!

Macht SpaB!

Frau Punkt (Dot) and Rama

P.S. Let us know if you need help with anything or if you need us to bring anything to the open house!