Friday, October 21, 2005

Almost there....

So, here I am... at the countdown to my wedding. Literally it's only hours away. I am beyond excited to be marrying Steve. He is such a fantastic guy - and he's so cute too! I really am incredibly blessed to be marrying such a stud. I love him - and I know he loves me! Wahoo!
Wow.... I can't believe that tommorrow is our wedding day. It's going to be fantastic - and I'm not going to let anything bother me. Even the things that don't go according to plan. Does every bride say that - but in retrospect realizes that wasn't how they acted? Well, my PLAN is to not let anything get to me. We'll see how it goes!

Our family members have started to arrive. Jill, Kimberlee, and Russ arrived EARLY (like 1am early) on Thursday morning. Sheri & Bekki (with baby Ainsley) arrived Thursday afternoon and Linette arrived that afternoon. My parents are en-route and Nicole, Joyce, & Robert all arrive this afternoon. We are going to have a FULL house. But, it's going to be fantastic.

Family is THE most important thing to me. For those of you who don't know, I'm adopted. It's been the biggest blessing in my life. Sheri, my birthmother, found me 4 years ago and we've been working to cultivate and develop a relationship between the two of us. Her mother, Linette, is a doll and they were both able to come be with us for the wedding. I'm thrilled to be adding the Ales family to my big honkin huge family ring. Seriously - I LOVE to be around family. Tom (Steve's brother) usually comes over at least each Sunday afternoon and we have a big dinner (normally it includes Toms roomates or friends) and I LOVE it.

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