Friday, December 19, 2008

Fred - Day 3 Update

Three days old already - wow! It's amazing how much has happened, and yet so much has not! Here are some updates on Fred so far:

He's an eating maniac. Lately, he's eating 2 ounces every two hours. The nurses think it's a lot. I don't know what a lot is, but Steve's already commenting on our grocery budget. :)

Fred has started to hold his head up! He loves to peer around and see what's going on around him. Steve and I both love to see him with both eyes open.

Steve likes to call him Popeye because he usually only opens one eye or the other as if to say... "do I really want to wake up?". He has beautiful eyes when he opens them both up though!

The pediatrician said he has a touch of jaundice. It's nothing to worry about because he's a few days old at this point.

He's discovering his hands, and sucking his fingers and thumb. It's funny to watch because he'll sometimes poke himself in the eye, and then get this shocked look on his face as if to say "what is that poking me in my eye?" Of course, we laugh though we shouldn't.

Fred is a little Houdini. We burrito wrap/swaddle him as the nurses have shown us (and if we don't, he pulls out his pacifier). No matter how tight we wrap him, he always manages to find a way to get his right arm out. It's a fun challenge for us to see how long we can keep it in and a challenge for Fred to see how long it takes him to get it out.

He grips onto his pacifier (when his arm escapes) and pulls it out. Of course, then he is upset that his pacifier is gone from his mouth and he cries. Silly boy! 

Steve says he's just plain blinded by Fred's cuteness. In fact, he's been here early every morning,  even before the Pediatrician has made his rounds, so that he can be with the baby.  (He goes home to sleep and let me sleep without snoring.) I must admit, it is the coolest thing to watch Steve with the baby. The love I have for both of them is growing by leaps and bounds each hour. 

I've added some new photos to our Flickr for your viewing pleasure. They're 

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