Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The word is out....

The word is slowly getting out! Yeah for technology! Well, we knew the first question we were going to be asked would be "Have you set a date?". And, we didn't have an answer until last night. As crazy as this is, and as wild as it's going to get, we've decided on October 22, 2005. Yes, that's right, 2005. Yes, we know it's in 6 weeks. Yes, we are out of our minds. But, yes we're happy.

It will be a small wedding. VERY small wedding. We're getting married in a small room, and it may end up only being family. As much as we love you all, it's most important to us that we have our parents there. We are going to try and make sure that all of our parents are there (go blended families!). We will have a reception, but it will also be small and not fancy. We're looking at gettting married at 11:30 am, and then having a light lunch (read: sandwich fixings/salads/chips/vegi tray) kind of reception. There won't be any alcohol, but there will be an incredibly awesome punch!! We'd love to have you join us for the reception, and it's going to be very short, but nice.

We're hoping to get announcements out quickly (well with only 6 weeks, it's going to be quick!). Please make sure I have your mailing address. You can email it directly to me at hbeste@yahoo.com or to us at steveandheatherales@yahoo.com.


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